Higher Unlearning

Where the Money the Reside

Brianca Wright and Le’Otis Boswell Johnson Season 2 Episode 2

“You can't cripple a man and then criticize the way that he walks” - Dr. Billy Ray Close 

In this episode Brianca, Le’Otis, and guest Arsene Frederick and Kintevous “KJ” Collins discuss the impact of classism within the black community and how their respective socioeconmic statuses growing up affected their views on blackness, education, and their role in the community. 

Question of the Day: Do you feel like it is our responsibility to reach back and better our community? If so, how do you do it? 


We hope you enjoy the show!!   

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 Follow us on Instagram 📷 @raising.royaltyllc, @leoknowsbest_, @brieleshaie  


See you next time on another episode of Higher UnLearning...Peace!