Higher Unlearning
Higher Unlearning is a space where Brianca Wright and Le’Otis Boswell Johnson analyze and discuss the traditions, systems, and ideals that have infiltrated the Black experience. Take a moment to enter the hosts minds as they dissect life beyond the concept of blackness. These conversations serve as a catalyst to aid listeners in beginning the process of intentional self-reflection.
Higher Unlearning
"Black Jesus"
Brianca Wright and Le’Otis Boswell Johnson
Season 1
Episode 7
“The White savior industrial complex is not about justice. It is about having a big emotional experience that validates privilege” -Teju Cole
In this episode Brianca and Le’otis discuss how the white savior industrial complex has touched the lives of black people and other people of color through movies, mentoring organizations, and even mission trips. They begin to reflect whether the road to hell is truly paved with good intentions.
Question of the Day: What's your favorite white savior movie?
We hope you enjoy the show!!
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See you next time on another episode of Higher UnLearning...Peace!