Higher Unlearning
Higher Unlearning
By Faith...
“Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase” -Martin Luther King Jr
This Episode is an introduction to the creators of Higher UnLearning, one of the three pillars of Raising Royalty, a social enterprise which works to challenge preconceived norms and invoke enlightened thought about the black experience. They will explain who they are and why they are passionate about the work they do.
Our mission is to educate by reinforcing black traditions, beliefs, and values which have enriched the world we live in.
Question of the Day: What experience do you fall back on for reassurance and to recharge your faith?
We hope you enjoy the show!!
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Follow us on Instagram 📷 @raising.royaltyllc, @leoknowsbest_, @brieleshaie
See you next time on another episode of Higher UnLearning...Peace!